Haunted house with fireplace and armchairs, light from windows, black and white photo | Stock photo | Print / Poster

Tags:Abandoned | Armchair | Armchairs | B&W | Brick | Brick Walls | Broken | Chair | Chairs | Crumbling | Damaged | Destroyed | Dirty | Dust | Fireplace | Fragments | House | Light | Old | Peeling | Ruin | Seats | Tapestry | Walls | Windows
Haunted house with fireplace and armchairs, light from windows, black and white photo
Royalty-free Photo Abandoned House Art 001 from CAD$25 to CAD$100 | Print / Poster
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Image reference: Abandoned House Art 001
Category: Art photography
© Frederic Ansermoz - IBuyPhotos.com
Published on: 2013-04-23

Haunted house with fireplace and armchairs, light from windows, black and white photo