Creepy office with desk and drawers in abandoned building, black n white HDR | Stock photo | Print / Poster

Tags:Abandoned | B&W | Blind | Building | Ceiling | Crumbling | Derelict | Desk | Dilapidated | Drawers | Floor | Furniture | Light | Office | Peeling | Perspective | Venetian Blind | Venitian | Walls | Window
Creepy office with desk and drawers in abandoned building, black n white HDR
Royalty-free Photo Abandoned Office Art 003 from CAD$25 to CAD$75 | Print / Poster
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Image reference: Abandoned Office Art 003
Category: Art photography
© Frederic Ansermoz -
Published on: 2013-05-01

Creepy office with desk and drawers in abandoned building, black n white HDR